Crookes & Crosspool Lib Dems

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Clean Air for everyone must be a top priority for Sheffield

by timhuggan on 20 June, 2019

Today is National Clean Air Day where anti-pollution campaigners highlight a major health issue of our time – poor air quality.  Protesters from across Sheffield will gather outside the station to protest air pollution in the city.

Lib Dem Shadow Cabinet member for Climate Change Cllr Tim Huggan said

‘Poor air quality in many parts of Sheffield is a major health hazard which has not been tackled over many years by the City Council.  Any plans put in place have failed to tackle the problem where air pollution levels frequently exceed maximum safety levels across many areas in the city.

Indeed, air quality monitors frequently are not working or are not monitoring effectively pollution levels in the city.  A lack of a clear strategy has endangered our school children at the school gate, pensioners out shopping and ordinary people going about their daily business.

The City Council has a real opportunity to take this issue seriously when it next meets on the 3rd July to scrutinise its approach to tackling the Climate Emergency it has already declared.  I hope it takes that opportunity and urgently develops a city-wide strategy to clean up our air.’

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